Report 7.15 Incident Actions – Persistently Dangerous Offense Expulsions
(Updated 04/15/2024)
Description: Reports the counts of TK-12 expulsions for the applicable Persistently Dangerous Schools California Education Code violations.By school, it includes the total number of expulsions, the # of expulsions per 100 enrolled students (based on the selected year’s certified Fall 1 enrollment), and the # of expulsions per offense codes that are applicable in determining At-Risk Schools. It also indicates whether a school is an At-Risk School
Security Role Required: EOY 3 Reports
Data As Of:
- Snapshot version, any time in the reported academic year (7/1 – 6/30)
Report Period:
- Report Period (July 1 thru June 30 of the reporting year)
Basic Selection Criteria:
- All students with a qualifying enrollment at any time during the Report Period
- Enrollment Status Code 10-Primary, 20-Secondary, 30-Short Term
- Grade Level: TK, KN, 01-12
- Student Incident Results Record (Record Type = SIRS) for the Academic Year being reported where SIRS Field 19.14– Incident Results Code = 200 (Expulsion) AND
- Student Offense Record (Record Type = SOFF) for the academic year being reported with the criteria below:
- Applicable California Education Code violations and corresponding Student Offense Codes (SOFF Field 20.15) include:
- 100 (5) Possessing, selling or furnishing a firearm (Section 48915(c)(1))
- 103 (2) Brandishing a knife (Section 48915(c)(2))
- 105 (6) Possession of an explosive (Section 48915(c)(5))
- 200 (8) Selling a controlled substance (Section 48915(c)(3))
- 400 (9 cont'd) Sexual battery (Section 48915(c)(4))
- 401 (9) Sexual assault (Section 48915(c)(4))
- 500 (3) Causing serious physical injury to another person, except in self-defense (Section 48915(a)(1))
- 503 (1) Assault or battery upon a school employee (Section 48915(a)(5))
- 505 (4) Hate violence (Section 48900.3)
- 600 (7) Robbery or extortion (Section 48915(a)(4))
Report Filters: Filters can be selected resulting in only totals for the selected filter being displayed
- Academic Year
- Status
- School Type
- School
- User Comments
Report Logic:

Click image to expand
Column | Rules |
1 | School code is derived from user ID permission and Expected Schools table |
2 | School Name is determined by #1 and the Expected Schools Table |
3 | Total Certified Primary Enrollments* |
*Certified Fall 1 Primary Enrollment for the Selected Academic Year, from Report 1.1 (Enrollment of Primary Status by Subgroup) | |
4 | Total # of Expulsions – SDIS 4.18(Incident Disciplinary Action Taken Code) = 200(Expulsion) |
5 | # of Expulsions / 100 Enrolled Students |
Calculation: Count of Expulsions where at least one offense is for Persistently Dangerous Offenses at School of Attendance | |
19.14-Incident Result Code Value: 200 – Expulsion | |
Note- If a student commits two persistently dangerous offenses at the school of attendance as part of the same incident, the expulsion is only counted once | |
6-15 | # of Expulsions at School of Attendance by the various qualified SIRS 19.14-Incident Result Code per Offense Code – SOFF 20.14 (Student Offense Code) |
(6) | SOFF 20.14 = 503 |
(7) | SOFF 20.14 = 103 |
(8) | SOFF 20.14 = 500 |
(9) | SOFF 20.14 = 505 |
(10) | SOFF 20.14 = 100 |
(11) | SOFF 20.14 = 105 |
(12) | SOFF 20.14 = 600 |
(13) | SOFF 20.14 = 200 |
(14) | SOFF 20.14 = 401 |
(15) | SOFF 20.14 = 400 |
16 | At Risk School – Y/N |
See Glossary: At Risk School for calculation |
Additional Resources
CALPADS File SpecificationsForm
Look for Student Incident files (SINC, SIRS, SOFF) for the fields indicated in the report logic.
CALPADS Data Guide
Chapter 2.1.4 provides additional information on student discipline.
This document contains the current code values referenced in the file specifications for the coded value data elements.